
Ralph Taylor Lumber owns two state of the art sawmills located in Clarendon, AR. They operate under the name of Taylor and Sons (T&S) Sawmill, CO. Not only does this provide the largest employee count in Monroe county, AR, but the business is also contributing to the community through philanthropy.
• Our mills produce 25,000,000 board feet of lumber annually.
• Our dry kilns load/unload into the warehouse to control moisture of all lumber.
• We provide 5,000,000 ft. of covered air drying, assuring high quality lumber.
• Our kilns run on wood waste from our sawmills, stewarding our resources.
• Our mills produce 25,000,000 board feet of lumber annually.
• Our dry kilns load/unload into the warehouse to control moisture of all lumber.
• We provide 5,000,000 ft. of covered air drying, assuring high quality lumber.
• Our kilns run on wood waste from our sawmills, stewarding our resources.